Support us

Thanks for coming to this page! If you like reading our stories, the photo's we take, enjoy watching our YouTube videos or daydream on our Instagram page and you'd like to help us out a little. Please consider supporting our journey, because everything is easier with a coffee, a slice of pizza or knowing you can sleep in a bed at night! Want to help us out? Wow, great! Click on the green box underneath to go to our support page.

Here's how it works

A little lower on this page you can click on the green logo to go to our "Buy me a coffee" profile. There you'll have to option to choose the "amount of coffees" you want to support us with.

To give you some inspiration, we've put some reference amounts of coffee to get you going. But you're free, of course, to choose any amount of coffee(s) you like! Also, please leave a message with you're generous gift, we'd love to hear from you!

1 Coffee = 1 Coffee, duh...

2 Coffees = a treat for Oli

3 Coffees = a dinner date for us

5 Coffees = a warm bed (and our eternal love for you)

Other donation options

You can make a donation via PayPal (click the button below). You will be redirected to the Paypal page, just follow the instructions there. Don't worry afterwards you will be redirected here again!

If you don't have PayPal and/or a credit card and you still want to make a donation, you can do so with these bank details:

Card holder: Jesse Lemmens

IBAN: BE20 0015 2976 3556


Fundraising Oye LENA

We did it! And by "we" we mean all the people who donated or supported us. After a good six months of cycling, we reached Oye LENA in Curahuasi, Peru. It made us very happy to be able to donate €2000 to the project. What will the money be spent on?

  • School supplies (paper, pencils, erasers,...)
  • Educational materials (books, puzzles, games,...)
  • Lunch (all kids eat lunch at the project)
  • Dental hygiene (every kid has their own toothbrush at the project)


Look at all the smiling faces in the pictures below. YOU did that! So from the bottom our hearts we would like to thank everyone who contributed!